The Philippine National Games (PNG) will be revived next month in Bacolod City.

Among the many national competitions that have been held, the PNG is probably the closest to my heart. 

I was part of the Cebu City team in the 1st PNG in 1994 competing in the half-middleweight class for judo. I made it only as far as the quarterfinals and suffered a shoulder injury that kept me away from being a competitor for good.

I missed the next PNG, which was still held in Manila, but I was once again actively involved in the 3rd PNG, which was hosted by Cebu City in 1997 being head of the media committee and coach of the Cebu City Judo team.

That was the last time the PNG was held as a new president took over in 1998 and the LGUlympics was held instead of the PNG.

Cebu City has always figured prominently in this event. It was Manila that dominated the first edition of the meet having many of the national team members carrying its colors, but in the 2nd and 3rd editions, Cebu City showed that it was a force for reckon with in the national sporting arena.

What makes the PNG different from the annual Palarong Pambansa is that the competitors are not school based. Anybody can suit up for the team and we carry the name of the local government unit and not the region.

Next month, the best athletes of the country will once again show their wares in the PNG and I am looking forward to a more exciting competition, 14 years since its last staging.

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While writing this piece, as if by ESP, my college buddy lawyer Vicente Fernandez II, sent me a message via Facebook that three Japinoys (Japanese-Filipinos) will be playing for Cebu City in the PNG.

Vic is now the national vice president of the Philippine Judo Federation (PJF). He was my first judo teacher when we were in college and later became my teammate in several competitions in Cebu and other parts of the country.

He said that one of the three has been representing the Philippines in international competitions, Kenji Yahata.

The two others are Eiichi Yahata and Eiko Yahata. Their mother is a Cebuana from barangay Mambaling.

I am hopeful that these three additions to the team would help Cebu City attain its goal of winning the overall title.

It’s not going to be easy, but it can be done.

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MILESTONES: Belated happy birthday greetings to two very dear friends, who turned a year older last weekend – my fellow sports columnist and SAC president John Pages (April 9) and Dr. Vicente Avanzado, Jr.

The same goes to Col. Philip S. Lapinid, who celebrated last Monday and to our Tatay in the family, my uncle Cipriano F. Quiñones, Jr., who turned a year older yesterday along with The Freeman’s Edizza Jaca-Wenceslao.

Today’s greetings go to Kenneth Tan, Jenny Ramos, Theresa Limlengco, Nova Noval, and Sarah Mae Enclona.

More power to all of you!

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