Siso, Kintanar in Perlis final

The three Cebuanos left to complete the four-leg Malaysia tennis circuit marched to the final of their respective categories in the Perlis Age-Group Tennis Championship in Perlis, Malaysia yesterday.

Em-Em Siso, so far, the only Cebuano undefeated in the tournament beat Korean Kim Kyug 6-0, 6-1, to barge into the final of the girls’ 14-under division.

She will play, for the third time, Theviya Selvarajoo today. Selvarajoo is also Em-Em’s doubles partner.

Em-Em’s elder brother, Niño also advanced to the finals of the boys’ 14-under category after pulling a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Tan EE Zhou. Niño, however, lost in the quarterfinals of the doubles competition.

On the other hand, Krissianne Kintanar booked a finals showdown in the girls’ 12-under division with Kim Dave after winning over Deli Zaverne Kaur 6-1, 6-4.

Em-Em and Kintanar will try to advance to the doubles final of their respective categories after barging into the semifinals yesterday. Niño, however, bowed out of contention for gold in the doubles of the boys 14-under category after losing in the quarterfinals. — Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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