Judo at Robinsons

The thud when a full point or ippon is scored felt very good to hear last weekend amid the noise inside the mall as people milled around the lone playing area set up for the 2nd Cebu City All-Whitebelt Judo Championships at Robinsons Place Cebu.

We from the generation before these players today have noticed a lot of differences in the way points are scored, but then we should be able to notice that since a lot from our generation are already referees and tournament officials.

One thing hasn’t changed though, the passion for the sport and the enjoyment we get to see so many new faces playing the sport whose Japanese name translates to gentle way in English.

There were close to 200 players in the event and it was the biggest ever in terms of the number of players participating.  I’m sure my former teammates and buddies Vic Fernandez and Tracy Tradio had a hard time putting everything together, but they pulled it through.

Thanks also to the referees led by PAJA director for referees Rochelle Baclagan who came over from Manila along with former national team member Lorie Mendoza.

A lot of thanks also go to Robinsons Place Cebu and our college classmate Momot Irrizari, who made it possible for us to bring the tournament there and attract a good crowd.

There is still much to be done to bring back the glory days of judo in Cebu, but with the support of many individuals and companies, we believe we can push it even further.

For many years our problem was the lack of players.  Now, we have so many judokas and it is just a matter of holding more events and opening more clubs.

To all who supported last weekend’s tournament, thanks for everything!

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The snake-toting Donnie ‘Ahas’ Nietes has won Ninong Tony Aldeguer a world title this year after three of his stablemates failed.

I haven’t been to too many boxing bouts recently due to my work schedule, but I try as much as possible to stay updated due to the fact that I used to pound the beat for many years as a sportswriter. 

This may be the first time that I am saying this, but visits to the ALA Gym in Nasipit, Talamban used to be one of my favorites most especially when I see some of the articles I have written hanging on the walls of the boxing gym.

I haven’t been there for years maybe they have already redecorated the walls, but one thing hasn’t changed also – the love of Ninong Tony for boxing.

The country now has four world champions and not one of them is named Manny Pacquiao.  The Pacman however is still the most bankable among all Pinoy boxers and this weekend the country will once again come to a standstill as we watch him go up against Marco Antonio Barrera.

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MILESTONES: Belated birthday greetings to our former sportswriter Mary Rose Javier (October 1) and to my former student Cattski Espina (October 2).

Congratulations to Chief Supt. Ronald Roderos, who is the new director of Police Regional Office-7.

More power!

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