Woman falls off bridge, missing in Sibonga wharf

CEBU, Philippines - A 30-year-old woman remains missing after she accidentally fell off a bridge in Sibonga town Friday afternoon following an epileptic seizure attack.

Melisa dela Cruz, of sitio Toot, Poblacion, Sibonga, was reportedly walking alone on a bridge near the wharf at 4:00 p.m. when she had an epileptic seizure causing her to fall off the bridge.

Senior Police Officer 1 Aristides Carillo of the Sibonga Police Station said the water in the wharf was murky because of the floodwaters from the mountain making it difficult for rescuers to find the victim.

 “Grabi gyud to ang iyang pagkurog-kurog kay nahulog man gyud siya sa tulay (Her seizure might have been very intense because she fell off the bridge),” Carillo said

Carillo said a rescue team was immediately deployed after they were informed about the incident.

However, rescuers failed to find the victim until yesterday.

 “Risgo kaayo to na lugar hilabi na kun kusog kaayo ang uwan,” Carillo added.

The victim is believed to have suffered from primary generalized seizures which began with a widespread electrical discharge that involved both sides of the brain at once.

This kind of epileptic seizure is hereditary, according to the website epilepsy.com.

Most epileptic-seizure-related-deaths are not caused by the seizure itself but injuries acquired by the victim during severe shakings.  (FREEMAN)

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