City to vie again in search for most child-friendly LGU

CEBU, Philippines - Margarita “Margot” Osmeña, wife of Mayor Tomas Osmeña, yesterday said that Cebu City is once again joining this year’s Presidential search for the most child-friendly local government unit in the Highly Urbanized City category.

Cebu City copped the Most Child-Friendly City award at the regional level for three consecutive years. Last year, it was an awardee at the national level.

The city was cited for best programs in fighting malnutrition as well as Margot’s non-government organization implementing laws on street children - the Cebu City Task Force on Street Children.

Also, she heads Operation Second Chance which seeks reform and rehabilitation in all aspects of children in conflict with the law.

Recently, Mayor Osmeña lauded his wife for being “so concern on children which keeps her busy most of the time, unlike the other first ladies of other LGUs.”

Jaybee Carillo, regional information officer of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, said that the deadline for submission of entries is on September 7 as announced by Parisya Taradyi, executive director, of the Council for the Welfare of Children.

Carillo said that the Presidential Award is conferred to deserving towns and cities in recognition of their vital role in the sustained promotion of children’s rights to survival, development, protection and participation as well as in ensuring child-friendly governance.

“It encourages LGUs at all levels to prioritize and address issues/concerns affecting the full realization of the rights of children; monitor, evaluate and document the implementation of programs, projects and services particularly those directly benefiting children; strengthen local partnerships and give national recognition to cities and municipalities that have been considered and confirmed as child friendly,” Carillo said.

 There are five categories for the award – for first to third class municipalities; fourth-sixth class towns; component city; independent chartered city, and highly urbanized city.

Winners for every category are set to receive the following: P50,000 for outstanding regional winner plus regional seal; P300,000 for Presidential Award with regional trophy; and P500,000 for Hall of Fame awardee with glass trophy. 

All LGUs on the list of national finalists will receive a plaque of recognition. — Ferliza C. Contratista/MEEV   (FREEMAN NEWS)   

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