Sirao barangay chieftain detained for drunk driving

CEBU - The barangay captain of Sirao, Cebu City was detained for a night after he was caught driving while under the influence of liquor last Thursday night.

But during the investigation, barangay captain Felix Limotan, 51, got mad because he allegedly lost a certain amount of money after the accident.

SPO4 Gomersindo Mandawe of the Cebu City Police Office’s Traffic Group claimed they found P17,720 cash on the floor of Limotan’s car but they turned it over to him in front of witnesses.

Limotan was detained CCPO Traffic Group’s office after he figured in a vehicular accident while driving under the influence of liquor.

Limotan reportedly bumped the rear side of a Corominas taxi driven by Jefferson Abelgas that was parked along Leon Kilat St., Cebu City at past 6 p.m. last Thursday.

Because of the impact, the front portion of Limotan’s Mitsubishi Adventure Wagon was damaged while the rear portion of the taxi was also dented.

Drivers of both vehicles were brought to Cebu City Medical Center for liquor test in which Limotan was found positive.

Both drivers later agreed to come up with an amicable settlement on the damage on their vehicles. But traffic personnel yesterday filed a charge for violation of traffic laws, particularly driving under the influence of liquor, against Limotan before the City Prosecutor’s Office.

He was later released after posting a bail of P700. — Ferliza C. Contratista/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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