UC, Trans-Asia ink scholarship grant

At least 10 college freshmen will receive full scholarship following the signing yesterday of the memorandum of agreement of partnership by Trans-Asia Shipping Lines Inc. and University of Cebu to grant scholarship to aspiring mariners.

Lawyer Gamelin Sevilleno, TASL director for corporate services, said they realized the need for competent maritime engineers and desk officers, and decided to sponsor students in the hope to produce qualified marine engineers that will serve the company.

“The shortage for marine engineers is already happening. The supply cannot cope up with the demand, so we have to do something about it,” said Captain Michael Sarthou, vice president of TASL fleet operations.

Applicants must pass the UC qualifying exam with an average grade of 80 percent during high school. They will also undergo interview by the board of Trans-Asia.

Scholars will receive full tuition, miscellaneous and textbooks subsidy from Trans-Asia for the first two years in school, and a year of apprenticeship in the company. They will also have free tuition during their fourth year.

They will also be assured of employment after graduation. Under the terms and conditions of the scholarship, they will have to serve Trans-Asia for five years providing they pass the board exam.

Sarthou said the scholarship would serve as a trial program. But once the board finds it effective, the scholarship will continue to be granted every year.

Trans-Asia, in an effort to expand its operations, recently bought its 10th and biggest ship from Japan. The new ship will start serving passengers by August.

“What we can offer to our scholars are in-house trainings, assistance and most interestingly, when they start working with us, we allow regularization which other companies could not offer,” said Sarthou. — Jessica Ann Pareja, UP Masscomm Intern/LPM

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