Foreign airline worker found murdered inside hotel’s toilet

An aircraft technician of an airline company based in Trinidad and Tobago was found bludgeoned to death inside the toilet of the room he occupied in an uptown hotel at Salinas Drive barangay Lahug yesterday morning.

Homicide investigators identified the victim as Roberto Alemania, 56, a resident of Casili Subdivision in Mandaue City but who checked in at the hotel after his arrival from Trinidad and Tobago days ago.

PO1 Edario Manatad of the Homicide Section told The Freeman that Alemania was found dead after his son became suspicious that something bad happened inside his father’s room when the latter failed to answer the door.

Manatad said the older Alemania reportedly asked his son to visit him at the hotel yesterday morning. When the son failed to get answers from his father, however, the hotel employees helped to open the door and they found Mr. Alemania’s room cluttered with things on the floor.

When they checked  the toilet, it was there where they found Mr. Alemania sprawled on the floor and bloodied. Apparently the man was already dead so they called the police.

Manatad said that based on the appearance of the room, it was evident that the victim tried to fight off whoever were the assailants.

An examination later conducted on the victim’s body showed five punctured wounds in the chest and several cuts on his face and eyes. There was no weapon found on the scene except for Alemania’s wrist watch, cellular phone, and wallet.

The wallet however contained no more cash and this led investigators to theorize at this point that Alemania could have been robbed before he was killed.

One striking note also was that there were no signs of forced entry so the police believed that the victim might have known the perpetrators who might have been forced to kill him when he resisted.

Manatad had gathered from hotel personnel that the  last time they saw Alemania alive was the other night when he requested for a masseur and that he even went out of the hotel then. This information however is still being verified. — Edwin Ian Melecio/RAE

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