After 11 days of investigation: Police getting more evidences to pin drive-by slays suspects

After 11 days of investigation, police are still collating and gathering more witnesses and affidavits against the perpetrators of the drive-by-shootings last October 4 that left three people dead and four others wounded.

Insp. Mario Monilar, chief of the Homicide Section, yesterday told reporters that one of the possible perpetrators was already identified but they are still building up an “airtight” case against these people.

What have been gathered so far are still not enough and the public have already been clamoring for justice so the police should make this case strong enough to stand court scrutiny and put the perpetrators to answer what they did, said Monilar.

City Police director Sr. Supt. Patrocinio Comendador, has urged relatives of the victims to cooperate with the police investigation so that the perpetrators would be arrested and charged in court.

“Daghan man ning insidentiha, If they (kabanay) have time, they should go to the Homicide Section so that it will fast track the investigation especially the taking of their affidavits, we need their cooperation,” Comendador said.

Monilar admitted that, until this time, they only have one witness who executed an affidavit. There are two other possible witnesses but then one was a minor who needs permission from his parents so only the other one was able to give a signed testimony.

Police are also experiencing same problem from the victims’ relatives and even with the survivors in obtaining statements because they were either not ready yet or simply afraid of the perpetrators.

One of those who survived from the shooting could no longer be found after moving from the first hospital where he was brought to another hospital, the location of which the police has yet to determine.

The relatives of fatalities, Lord Stephen Vaquez, Laurence Morados and William John Aznar have been asking for justice.

Police suspected that the killings were fraternity-related since the places where it took place were areas where fraternities and gangs usually gather.

Aside from the three fatalities, a Tau Gamma Phi member Mhako Buenconsejo was also shot and wounded, he was the first victim when the shooting started at V. Gullas Street before the killing of Morados.

The perpetrators also shot and wounded Jeffrey Romano who was walking along Sanciangko Street ; Rey Gonzalez in Uytengsu Street, and Rundon Pelleren at Ascencion Street in barangay Sambag Uno.  — Edwin Ian Melecio/RAE

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