Mactan Rock no biz permit to operate in Compostela?

Compostela town Mayor Ritchie Wagas has directed the municipal treasurer to make an inquiry to make sure if Mactan Rock Industries, Inc. has secured a permit to operate for its project in barangay Cabadiangan.

 In a memorandum to the municipal treasurer dated July 9, Wagas, who assumed the town’s mayoralty post on June 30, said records in his office show that Mactan Rock has no business permit to operate.

“You are directed to make an inquiry into this situation as the firm might have secured the permit, but was not consequently filed by the previous administrator, and if so, you are to produce the same and present to this office,” said the memorandum, a copy of which is furnished to The Freeman. “If they have nothing to present, you are to report officially so that this office will take the necessary appropriate action.”

 Antonio Tompar, Mactan Rock’s chief executive officer and president, when sought for comment, said they have applied for all the necessary permits for their “Barangayan” water project in Cabadiangan and three other barangays in Compostela.

Tompar explained that “Barangayan” is Mactan Rock’s water project in partnership with the barangays with an aim to provide accessible and affordable water supply to village residents affected by scarcity of water.

The water project is also implemented in the mountain barangays of Cebu City and other parts of Metro Cebu.

“Barangayan is our project in partnership with the barangays to provide water for Compostela. When we do the project, we take necessary permits to that,” Tompar told The Freeman.

He said that they renew their permits for the project yearly, and in fact, just recently applied for the renewal of their permits in Compostela for this year. He added that they have recently visited the town to check on their existing project and study another proposal.

“We will meet with him (Wagas) soon to discuss the matter. If he has concerns, we will sit down with him,” Tompar said.

He added that it is possible that the previous administration has not turned over yet to Wagas the documents showing they have complied with the necessary permits for their project in said town. —Wenna A. Berondo/MEEV 

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