Delinquent properties set for public auction

The Provincial Treasurer's Office will start conducting public auction of delinquent real properties in the province by January.

Provincial treasurer Roy Salubre said about 40 percent of those who were issued with the warrant of levy were not able to settle their tax dues within 30 days, prompting them to auction off those delinquent properties.

The Local Government Code mandates the local treasurer to publicly advertise the sale or auction of delinquent real properties.

Among the real properties identified for public auction is the one located in Gitbingil, a barangay-islet in Medellin town. The property is owned by a certain Jose Ancajas, who has yet to settle his P800,000 tax dues to the provincial government.

Meanwhile, the Apo Cement Corporation (Apocemco) in Naga town will be granted with a 20 percent discount in its 2007 real property tax obligation for paying ahead of schedule its P15 million tax dues. - Cristina C. Birondo

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