The Durano legacy

CEBU, Philippines - Coming from a family of politicians can be a challenge, especially if you would need to live up to a legacy, like that of the prominent Durano family of Danao.

But for Congressman Ramonito “Red” H. Durano VI, he takes this as a motivation and pushes himself to the limit to do better in his line of work as a public official.

The fifth district representative of Cebu, who is celebrating his 43rd birthday today, is on his last term in Congress but there is no stopping the active legislator from continuing the projects he has started.

The eldest son of current Danao City Vice-Mayor, Ramon “Nito” Durano III, disclosed that aside from his projects, he also wants to continue what his grandfather and father had started for the fifth district.

Congressman Durano doesn’t believe that there’s an age limit to public service, citing his grandfather as an example who at 84 years old was a barangay captain and was Danao City Mayor before he died. “If you have the passion and you are able, why stop?”

TF: How was 2011 for you?

The year went by very fast.  When you’re in this kind of work, it tends to go very fast because of the schedule. 2011 was a bit challenging for me because there were things in the district that we needed to take care of, like the pending recall election and the problem we have in Compostela.

2011 was a blur because it went by so fast. It was a very busy year but very fruitful.

We had a lot of projects for the district in 2011. It was last year when we started on the feeding program for the children.

TF: In the coming year, what can the fifth district expect from you? 

Being in my last term, I am making it a point that I’ll measure up to my responsibilities. I don’t want to be remembered as just being there occupying space. I want to perform well for the people of the fifth district. We have more projects...on-going projects to be continued as well, like the creation of school buildings to address the problem on shortage of classrooms in public school. The assistance to LGUs will also continue as well as the assistance to the medical needs of the constituents. I have some plans but I don’t want to divulge them yet, but when it becomes feasible I will implement them in the district.

TF: How was 2011 for your family? 

It was pleasant and fun for my family. Last year, we entered in to a different phase when my son went to college. He’s with me in Manila, taking up Architecture in La Salle. He really likes it and he’s enjoying his course. It’s different if you see your kids grown up and in their teens.

TF: Talking about family, since your family is into politics, who do you look up to?

I look up to my dad and also my grandfather. It was he who really started all this. That’s where I get my inspiration. My dad worked really hard to unify the district. When I got into this in 2005, I really made it to a point that I was living up to their legacy. So all these projects that are implemented because of them. I want to continue what they have started. I want to put our family name up there. We’ve been working really hard for the district and we believe that we did something good for the district.

TF: How did you take the pressure of living up to their legacy?

I tend not to think of it as pressure. I think of it as motivation. When you’re in this line of work, it tends to get monotonous. So you have to find ways to motivate yourself. Seeing the work of my father and grandfather, that motivates me to work harder.  

TF: What’s the best advice you got from them?

You have to be humble all the time no matter what things you accomplish. This was an advice from my father. Also, one thing I remember him saying, since I came after Ace (former Tourist Secretary Ace Durano), he said that now that I’m in this position, it cannot be helped that people will be comparing us. He said that I should not mind it and I should just do what I have to do and do it with my best.

TF: What do we NOT know about Cong. Red Durano?  

I’m a perfectionist. I like things done in a certain way. When I don’t get that, it tends to irritate me. I think it can be good and bad at the same time. But being in public service, this can be good. When you’re serving your constituents you have to give them the best. You cannot afford to be mediocre. So I think it works.

TF: So there’s no reason for your constituents to be worried that it’s your last term?

No reason to be worried. In fact they should expect more...being on my last term. The past seven years had been exciting and I thank my constituents for giving me the chance to serve them. Not in my wildest dreams would I have expected to enter politics before and hopefully I did not disappoint the people of the fifth district. I have given it a 110 percent and I will continue doing so.

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