Class 1960 Celebrates Golden Anniversary

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu School of Arts and Trades (CSAT), now Cebu Technological University (CTU) is celebrating Class 1960’s Golden Jubilee with the theme Together Again: From Life’s Challenges and Journey Through Dreams and Realities this coming June 22.

Among the activities set for the celebration is a thanksgiving prayer and offering at the Individual Church of Worship. Registration of BSIA and BSIE graduates of 1960 will start from 8:30AM to 9:30 AM. Manuel Moraleda is co-chairman and over-all coordinator of the class reunion.

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Well-known pianist Ingrid Sala Santamaria has uploaded a four-part Chopin tribute to celebrate the pianist’s 200th birthday on YouTube. The Chopin Tribute features Chopin’s Ballads, Preludes, Sonata in B Minor and the Concerto No. 1 in E Minor with accompaniment by the Peace Philharmonic Philippine string quartet.

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The Alliance Francaise de Cebu is offering French language lessons which started last April 12 and will last until May 17. Sessions are available for ages 4 years old and above.

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