Ramon Fernandez goes CMD

CEBU, Philippines - Question: What is a regular day for you, as a businessman and as a sportsman?

Ramon Fernandez: I normally wake up at around 7am at about the same time my wife Karla wakes up too. We take breakfast together while watching early morning news on tv. I make sure I start my day with a filled tummy so I can also take my vitamins and my first drops of CMD Plus. Then I join my father-in-law at the patio to browse through the daily newspapers. After going through the news, I take a shower and proceed to the office. At the office, I start work by checking and replying to emails and other correspondence, confer with our staff and usual work follows. There may be business meetings in-between, lunch out or a little shopping with my wife. I usually cap my day with a walk around the village with my dogs, watch a movie in the room with my wife before going to sleep.

Q: Are you still engaged in some kind of sport? What and how much time do you spend on it?

Ramon Fernandez: I don’t do competitive sports anymore but I still conduct regular basketball clinics for kids around the country especially around the Vismin area. I also try to play golf with some friends every now and then. I do a 30-minute walk in a nearby park if my schedule permits. Weekends are usually spent in Argao where we get to do some swimming, fishing and aqua sports.

Q: Having been involved in professional basketball, how has it been, health-wise, after retirement? What were the common pains and ailments that you think was because of the stressful regimen you used to have?

Ramon Fernandez: Thank God I never had major injuries while playing or even after retirement. But as you grow older, you tend to slow down and you get to experience occasional back and muscle pains. While you have less activity, you tend to tire more easily when subjected to pretty strenuous activities.

Q: How long have you been taking CMD Plus?

Ramon Fernandez: I’ve been taking CMD Plus for over a month now.

Q: Since taking CMD Plus, have you observed any changes to your system/well being?

Ramon Fernandez: Oh yes, immediately! I now feel more relaxed, more positive and ready to go everyday.

Q: How about with your business, I noticed in your FB profile that you have several of them, how do you cope with the stress in managing these businesses?

Ramon Fernandez: Our businesses are pretty well-placed now. Like in the family business where I am very involved with, I am lucky to have my brother-in-law Boobi who is also active in the business. He makes things easier for me, not to mention our competent and loyal staff who can work really hard like there’s no tomorrow. It’s also nice to go home to a peaceful and happy home with a wife who shares the same interests as me. My wife and I de-stress together. As a breather, we schedule regular trips around the country or abroad and we both take our supplements and CMD Plus religiously.

Q: Do you think CMD Plus would help you effectively manage your business?

Ramon Fernandez: Absolutely! I must admit I am quite dependent on my CMD Plus now. You bump into me anywhere and I have a bottle in my pocket! Everyday, I take at least 60 drops of CMD Plus on my water, coffee and even on my beer or wine!

Q: Why did you decide to be the poster boy of CMD Plus?

Ramon Fernandez: I tried using it before signing up. It worked wonders not just for me and my wife but for family and friends I shared it with. Then the deal was inked with no many questions asked!

Q: Why do you think should people your age be needing this supplement? How would this benefit them?

Ramon Fernandez: As I mentioned earlier, you tend to slow down and tire easily as you grow older. With CMD Plus as part of my wellness regimen, I now feel much stronger and more energized. Especially that we travel a lot, I now feel more confident that I have a handy shield from possible sickness or ailments. My trips are maximized as I now get to spend more time enjoying the places we visit without having to worry about body aches and pains. Not only have I been recommending CMD Plus to my friends and colleagues, I also recommend this to everybody, young and old. I can attest to the good benefits of the product.

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