Rock-Body Workout

Aim to sweat? This type of workout will boost your energy. Stay focused. The more present you are, the more results.

1. Body Pump (works shoulders, back, butt, quads). Stand with knees slightly bent, a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand, palms in. Lift right foot and bend forward slightly. Lift arms to shoulder height. Lower arms and leg. Do three sets of 12 on each leg.

2. Roundhouse kick (works hamstrings, quads). Stand with feet hip-width apart, right foot forward. Bring left knee to stomach, and then kick foot out to side. Tighten abs. Lower and repeat, doing three sets of 12 reps. Switch legs.

3. Click-Clack (works abs). Life on back, holding a 5-pound weight overhead and a ball between feet. Raise shoulders and legs slowly, bringing weight to meet ball. Do not arch back. Repeat 12 times.

4. Triceps Press-up (works triceps, abs, butt, back). Sit with legs extended in front of you, feet flexed, hands at sides, palms on floor. Straighten elbows to press body up, keeping spine aligned with legs. Hold, and then lower. Repeat 10 times.

5. One-Arm Push-up (works chest, triceps). Start in a push-up position. Pull right arm behind you and slowly bend left elbow to lower chest. Press back using entire body. Switch arms and do as many reps as you can. Beginners: do a two-arm push-up.

6. Leg Stretch (for hamstrings, calves). Stand at arm’s length from a hip-level banister. With feet pointing forward and hips squared, rest one foot on banister. Hold for 60 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

7. Back Stretch (for back, chest). Stand back-to-back with a partner, and reach hands over shoulders to grab his hands. Relax as partner gently pulls you onto his back until you feel stable. Hold for 10 counts.Source: Rock Bodies Magazine

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