Last battle for Iraq?

The truth about Iraq is that it is not Saddam who is important now. Saddam was yesterday's horror. It was the inevitable conclusion to a long legal process to what the world had been waiting for.

The execution was dignified enought but I really didn't like how it was handled. Although it was an intense and angry affair, it shouldn't have been carried out by being filmed on tape and flashed for the world to see. Saddam Hussein was a condemned dictator, but the whole process of the execution was completely disturbing. I said to myself, how could this change Iraq?

The execution of Saddam Hussein will no doubt raise awkward questions and I think that there will still be no end to Iraq's agony. I only think that there is that deep sense of unease by the way his death was dealt with. I also think that his execution was such an easy way out. Saddam should have been put in complete isolation and made to suffer in silence. This would have been an appropriate punishment for his killing of innocent people.

What we have is a former ruler who is now dead. But just as he was never the heart of the matter although he thought he was in control, this execution will certainly not be the end of it! He may yet become a hero to the Arab world.

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