Kate Bosworth’s advice to future brides

CEBU, Philippines - On August 31, 2013, Kate Bosworth tied the knot with Michael Polish in a gorgeous outdoor ceremony in Montana. Just 12 days prior to her big day, the actress chatted with Lucky magazine about her wedding. In the interview, which now appears in the November 2013 issue, the star reveals that surprisingly she hasn’t been planning her dream nuptials for very long at all.

“I had never thought about my wedding dress before I got engaged,” she shares. “I never actually thought about what I wanted for my wedding. There are some women who know exactly, from the moment they can speak. But for me I needed to find the man in order to understand the bigger picture.”

After she did meet the right man, she needed to find the perfect guy to design her wedding dress, which turns out was none other than iconic designer Oscar dela Renta.

“He’s just seen it all, and the fact that I’ll be able to share my most important moment to date with him is profound,” Bosworth says. “I couldn’t control my reaction to sitting with him and talking with him about my wedding dress. I was trying not to cry, so I probably had a bizarre twisted face on.”

That same face was exactly what her friends warned her about not doing during her “I Dos.” She explains that a pal said: “Don’t try not to cry. If you’re going to cry, cry. When you try not to, it’s the worst picture-face of all time.”

But that’s not the best piece of advice she’d pass on to future brides. She says, “I suppose the best thing I’ve learned is to just be in the moment. It’s one of those clichés, but it’s true: if you try and control too much then you’ll really miss all the magic.” (FREEMAN)


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