
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Cebuanos make it to first-ever "Survivor Philippines"


As the identities of the castaways to the first-ever Survivor Philippines are revealed, four Cebuanos make it to the shortlist of 18 who will battle it out for survival in this ground-breaking reality show set to premier on September 15 at GMA Telebabad. 

First off is Vevherly Gador. Born in Barili, Cebu, 20-year-old Vevherly was brought up in the farm lifestyle. Beneath Vevherly’s charming and pretty face, lies a painful past. Since her parents had separate families, Vevherly was hidden from relatives and friends for 10 years. When other people learned about her family, they looked down on her mother and regarded her as an illegitimate child. By joining Survivor Philippines, Vevherly, a 4th year Criminology student from University of Cebu, wants to bring honor back to her mother and to show her critics that fame can also belong to the farm girl.

Leona Rica “Nikki” Dacullo is the second contender from Cebu. Nikki works as a call center agent in Cebu, but was born and raised in Tacloban, where she was once crowned as hometown queen. She describes herself as a laidback person who likes to go with the flow. She also believes she has a strong personality which will help her win the challenges in Survivor Philippines.

Third contender from Cebu is Jervy “Patani” Daño. After failing to qualify in Star Struck, 20-year-old Patani believes that joining Survivor Philippines might just be her last ticket to showbiz stardom. Born and raised in Camotes Island, Cebu, Patani has always dreamed of becoming a big star. While working as a baby-sitter in her hometown, she strived to learn Tagalog by watching TV shows and practiced speaking the language whenever she was engaged in conversation. Now that she has become one of the castaways in Survivor Philippines, Patani believes she’s finally got her chance to be next big thing.

These three survived a rigorous screening process held nationwide and attended by more than 43,000 Survivor fans and aspiring castaways. These three along with 15 other castaways plus 120 production staff in tow flew to Koh Tarutao Island in Thailand to embark on their biggest challenge yet.

Staying for more than 39 days in a place called the Devil’s Island cannot be easy. Whenever there was a challenge at sea, everyone had to beware of lurking manta rays, sharks and sea urchins. Everyday there would be stories of wild animal encounters. Snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, tarantulas and wild boars were just some of the few animals that lurk in the island ready to strike at the unguarded tribe member at the most opportune time. Then there were the ghost sightings, spirits of the ancient island inhabitants who visit the tribes at night.

Of course, living in an island deprived of basic necessities while competing for the chance to win three million pesos can really bring out the best and the worst of human nature. Expect some castaways to be ruthless villains who would do anything and everything to beat opponents, as well as others who proved to be remarkable heroes who cared more about saving people’s lives than winning the game.

All these and more are what can be expected from the first ever Survivor Philippines, to be hosted by reality TV guru Paolo Bediones.

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