
If you watch the early morning programs of the major television networks, everyday there are always accidents involving motorcycles and many end up with very fatal results.

Here in Cebu, the figures of accidents involving motorcycles are also high. Yesterday morning, Super Bobby Nalzaro of radio station dySS was discussing about the way drivers of the motorcycles for hire (habal-habal) in Nivel operate their vehicles.

He discussed it after noticing a new cross on the road, which meant somebody died there.

The fatality turned out to be a habal-habal driver and the account of the reporter had it that the guy overtook a vehicle and ran smack into a van for hire head on.

There is now a move to regulate the motorcycles for hire. While we still don’t see the logic of regulating something that is illegal, we hope that the move would somewhat make it safer to ride these vehicles.

Many readers told us about how they oppose the motorcycles for hire, but those who live in the far-flung areas that are only accessible using these motorcycles, say that the habal-habal allows them to go to work or school.

Let’s see what the city officials will do about this.

Let us not of course blame the motorcycles for the problem. The problem is caused by those operating the vehicles.

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Last week we promised to share with you some pictures of the Lexus Manila Incorporated showroom located at The Fort Global City.

We were there the other week and not only the vehicles impressed us, but also the way they present their cars in a one-of-a-kind showroom that features and indoor garden and a very relaxing setting.

Of course the cars are priced for the luxury market so we can only watch and salivate, but watching is free and if you’d like to take pictures there, you have to get permission to do so.

Here are two pictures of the showroom:

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