The vigor in your coffee is for real

MANILA, Philippines – The busy man of today needs a boost that goes beyond convenience-store trends and fad drinks.

When it comes to increasing the body’s energy for many activities, Tongkat Ali Ganocafe is an ideal health beverage.

Detox aficionados have found Tongkat Ali to be most helpful in building stamina. The nutritious product has become increasingly popular among alternative health experts.

What is it about the wonder extract which has caused men to get up and go for it? The actual mechanism in which Tongkat Ali works in the body has been isolated to a certain degree.

Various studies suggest that the active ingredients in the herb help develop and release energy for the day’s herculean task... and then some.

Tongkat Ali, from the global Malaysia-based Gano Excel company, is blended from selected coffee beans and enriched with Ganoderma Lucidum, a proven antioxidant and the popular ginseng. Because of the main ingredient, male drinkers have found Gano’s Tongkat Ali helpful in elevating one’s testosterone level. Tongkat Ali Ganocafe extract has the appropriate strength and approved safe dosage.

Tongkat Ali Ganocafe is exclusively distributed in the country by Gano iTouch Phils. (head office tel. nos. 706-3137 and 706-3152). It is available in the company’s five branches and more than 300 stockists and sub-stockists nationwide.

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