What you need to know about dry cough

MANILA, Philippines - It’s never a comfortable feeling: that dry, itchy, tickling sensation in your throat. Through reflex, you cough it out. However, instead of giving you relief from that persistent throat irritation, continuous whooping only makes you feel worse: you can feel the pain building up on your chest and back.

Dry cough can always put a damper on your day. It is usually annoying and eventually painful, and it can affect your daily productivity. The tricky part about it is dry cough usually strikes during the most awkward situations: a meeting, a client presentation, and an important date.

What makes dry cough worse is, unlike cough with phlegm, you cannot just easily expel the source of irritation.

There are many factors that can trigger dry cough. Usually, allergies or chemical and environmental factors like cigarette smoke, dust or extremely dry air can cause a person to go on a coughing fit.

For some, dry cough can be triggered by dryness due to breathing through the mouth. For people with swallowing difficulties, dry cough can also be caused by a recurrent aspiration of food stuck in the windpipe.

Chronic dry coughing can also be symptomatic of other health problems like post-nasal drip, acid reflux disease, asthma, and post viral cough. 

To ease themselves of that irritating dry cough feeling, some people go for home remedies or mentholated candies. These instant home remedies, though, are usually not enough. The relief from menthol candies, for instance, is oftentimes short-lived. 

It’s always best to rely on antitussives or cough suppressant medications to soothe dry cough.

In the Philippines, Butamirate Citrate (Sinecod Forte) is considered as the most-prescribed antitussive because of its fast-acting formula. Its active ingredient, Butamirate Citrate, is absorbed rapidly by the body so patients can quickly feel the relief. This fast relief means a person can return to the more important things in life much faster.

For more inquiries or other details on Butamirate Citrate (Sinecod Forte), consult a doctor.

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