How a second-hand car can be as good as any

MANILA, Philippines - While Metro Manila can be described as the quintessential congested metropolis, it is still one of the busiest places in the country where livelihood and progress go hand in hand. Heavy traffic has become an irrefutable daily fact in most of the city’s main roads, and there is no shortage in reasons that cause it.

Metro roads are also packed at certain times because many are now vehicle-owners, or Filipinos driving their own cars to and from work, school and places of recreation. A sizeable portion of these motorists own and drive second-hand cars, as possessing a vehicle, whether new or old but still functional, is considered a sign of personal accomplishment and success.

Most Filipinos’ first cars are second-hand vehicles or earlier models mainly because of their affordability. A number of Filipinos also aspire to drive their own car at the earliest opportunity and the importation of surplus vehicles from Japan has made buying cars a lot cheaper. There are also affluent Filipinos who dispose of their cars so as to upgrade to newer models, and others take this opportunity to purchase their own set of wheels.

Unfortunately, according to latest available statistics from Metro Manila Development Authority, the high number of motorists driving their own vehicles on the road is also accompanied by mishaps caused by some owners’ poor maintenance of their cars. According to a Philippine National Police traffic accident report, there were a total of 15,000 accidents recorded in 2006 alone, resulting in 674 fatalities, 3,767 injured and 10,263 instances of property damage. Of these incidents, 27% (4,182) was due to driver error while 15% (2,250) was caused by vehicle mechanical defects.

Some drivers are obsessed with having their own cars, but are not properly educated or are ill-equipped to drive. These accidents and mechanical breakdowns are actually preventable if they only knew how to take good care of their vehicles. And these would not only prevent time-consuming traffic and costly repairs, it could also help save lives.

Owners of second-hand vehicles are encouraged to be more proactive in caring for their hard-earned cars. Unlike brand new automobiles that require little or no maintenance, the second-hand cars usually require keener attention. The most common mechanical problems encountered are the cooling system, and the brake system; keeping tabs on them should help in keeping trips worry-free. It is important to use coolant instead of water to improve the performance of the cooling system. The brake pads and fluid levels should be checked regularly, along with the engine’s oil levels.

Aside from regular preventive maintenance like change oil, quality parts, flush and fill of brake fluid and coolant, are crucial to smoother driving and continued road safety. The long-term security and safety of one’s vehicle is at risk whenever seemingly “cheaper” but ultimately undependable brands are used. Those with older cars are also advised to get the hydraulic system regularly flushed out. Old or contaminated brake fluid should be replaced with trusted and proven Prestone Brake Fluid that guarantees effectiveness even in extreme conditions.

The number of car owners in the cramped but thriving metropolis continues to rise. Filipinos owning and operating their own vehicles, whether new or used, experience the incomparable thrill and pride of driving their own cars daily. But the enjoyment that comes with ownership is accompanied by the responsibility of keeping one’s car in tip-top shape. The prevention of breakdowns and incidents should be in every motorist’s mind, to keep traffic in the city smooth flowing and accidents-free.

Get into the Prestone flush & fill habit. Avoid costly repairs and enjoy a well-maintained brake system that provides you with a safe, secure feeling every time you drive.

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