Going green makes sense

MANILA, Philippines - The United Nations has called for a two-percent of worldwide income to be invested in the green economy, a move it says would boost jobs and economic growth.

According to the UN, an investment of two percent of global GDP would more than pay for itself in the form of millions of new jobs, the development of new industries, health benefits from cleaner air, energy efficiency savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

These findings are backed up by a report published by the German government, which warns that Europe will suffer continued low growth rates unless investment in green projects is increased. Raising the level of ambition in the EU’s climate targets would increase European GDP by up to $842 billion, a six-percent rise, and create up to six million additional jobs across member states.

“Going green makes good economic sense even for the Philippines because our poor rely heavily on our natural resources,” said Lucille Sering, head of the Climate Change Commission secretariat and the current vice-chairman of the Climate Change Commission, the lead government agency on climate change. President Aquino sits as chairman of the commission.

Sering together with commissioners Naderev M. Sano and Heherson T. Alvarez recently concluded the technical workshop for the first ever National Climate Change Action Plan. The workshop was attended by at least 200 participants from the government, academe, civil society and the private sector.

The National Climate Change Action Plan will serve as the blueprint for green growth with emphasis on rural development. “Climate Change is about opportunities. The earlier we adjust to its impact, the more resilient we become,” said Sering. “This is what the plan is all about and we will lay this plan in the next month”, she added.

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