DAR study paints CARP scenarios

Experts on agra-rian reform and rural development made a forecast on the post-land acquisition and distribution (LAD) program of the Com-prehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

Contained in a stu-dy titled "The Com-prehensive Agrarian Reform Program: Sce-narios and Options for Future Develop-ment," are the possi-ble scenarios on CARP as the land distribution ends in 2008.

The "sprint to the line" and the "clean break" scenarios were considered most prac-tical by the invited reactors during the forum at Renaissance Hotel in Makati City.

The study report was presented to the participants from the academe, legislative, foreign donors, non-government organiza-tions, and civil society.

The "sprint to the line" scenario com-pletes both the land acquisition and distri-bution process and the delivery was rele-gated to secondary level for the DAR and the DENR focus on strategic tasks on land distribution.

The "clean break" scenario requires LAD completion and agra-rian cases disposition by June 2008 to shift to a new rural deve-lopment pattern on economic, entrepre-neurial and commu-nity-oriented services.

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