AqualiPure launches latest water tech

MANILA, Philippines - Water is the best way to rehydrate our body. With  countless bottled water available in groceries and convenience store, there seems to be what is becoming  a real water revolution in this country.

If one expects to achieve and  maintain optimal health, then one must maintain proper hydration. Not all water is the same and most people go through life not  being  properly hydrated,  experiencing disease, toxicity and  premature aging.

According to various studies, consumption of alkaline water improved hydration levels by 17 percent. There are competing theories that explain why alkaline water hydrates our body better. One is that alkaline water is microclustered. This means that the clusters of water molecules in alkaline water are smaller than the molecule cluster size in plain water. Another theory is that the alkaline pH level of alkaline water is responsible for hydrating the body better. Intestines have a pH of about 8.3, so water with an alkaline pH may be easier for  intestines to absorb.

The latest in alkaline water technology, the Izumi 5P Antioxidant Alkaline Water Ionizer is a very convenient, economical, safe and hassle-free way of producing alkaline water by passing filtered tap water through a water ionizer.

Distributed by AqualiPure Water Systems & Equipment Inc., the Izumi 5P Antioxidant Alkaline Water Ionizer electrically splits the filtered tap water into pure antioxidant alkaline water for drinking and beauty acidic water for cleaning uses. The alkaline water produced by Izumi 5P has antioxidant properties that help reduce oxidative damage, and because it is highly oxygenated, micro-clustered, it is good for faster hydration. Its alkaline pH level neutralizes acidic wastes in our body.

 Visit, call or text 806-0031; 0917-5120421 or 0922-8563926 for product demo and other health tips.


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