Manila Golf: Will majority rule?

The price of Manila Golf shares has significantly increased over the past few months (estimated to be P30 million per golf share) especially after the completion of the new all weather course. After the recent improvements, there is now a plan to build a condominium building in the area near Hole No. 3 adjacent to the McKinley entrance to Bonifacio Global City, with some real estate developers estimating the value per share to go up to P50 million. At the current real estate market value, the 43-hectare golf course is worth at least P40 billion today. In a recent proxy referendum, it seems the majority of members has already voted for the plan’s approval. But big names in business would have none of it. Using the board of the Forbes Park Association and some members – they expressed their strong opposition to the project. Fernando and Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Washington Sycip, George Ty, Wilfred Uytengsu, Jesus Tambunting, twin brothers Raul and Joe Concepcion, Gigi Montinola as well as environmentalist senator Loren Legarda, among others, have sent a letter to the MGC board voicing their opposition.

In two letters addressed to the MGC board of directors, they expressed that they want to maintain the exclusive and private feel of the area, adding that the project will threaten one of the most prestigious residential villages in the country.

The businessmen also pointed out the fact that Manila Golf property has been zoned as a recreational district to complement the community it is located in…and as such should remain recreational in nature, adding that a high-rise project will violate the zoning classification of the property and the private nature of the community. Any rezoning, they further said, would not be in keeping with the objective of the original developers to keep the Forbes Park community a low density residential area.  

It would seem the “opposition,” so to speak, are prepared to go the “whole nine holes” to resist the establishment of a condominium building within the Manila Golf property judging from their reminder that they “rallied together to uphold the original deed restrictions and to preserve the low density character of (the) area… (and) will be prepared to work for the preservation of the same again.” Allowing a high rise, they said, will begin a process of commercialization that will destroy the Forbes Park community.

Rumor has it that three major legal firms have already been lined up to litigate the biggest real estate case of the century.

Santuario de San Antonio mini mall

Many frustrated residents all agree the traffic along McKinley Road has grown from bad to worse over time with Bonifacio Global City having become both a hub for residential and commercial establishments. Our Spy Bits sources disclosed to us that Ayala plans to redevelop the commercial strip in front of the Santuario de San Antonio Church with a four-story structure that would serve as a mini mall. Many people fear that should this push through, they expect the traffic along McKinley to become even more nightmarish not only for residents of the surrounding exclusive gated communities but also for people going to the Bonifacio Global City via McKinley.

No sour note in Ateneo-La Salle ‘rivalry’

 Everyone knows about the intense rivalry between La Salle and Ateneo which has gone beyond sports and academics to other aspects of life in this country. This time however, the competition between these two schools will not take on a sour note with Atenean Ed Gatchalian’s production titled “Rivalry,” an original musical depicting the fabled rivalry between the two schools. Ed, who has many friends from La Salle, will have the help of seasoned stage director Junie del Mundo as co-writer for the book and libretto.

“Rivalry” will have a sneak preview of the musical today at the Auditorium of the Insular Life Building along Ayala Ave. and Paseo de Roxas in Makati. Those in the know say the musical promises to be interesting and entertaining with very talented Filipino stage artists giving life to the original material through song and dance numbers. The only question that remains now is which color will be more dominant in the production and even among the audiences: Blue or Green?

Spy tidbits

— United States Sen. Daniel Inouye from Hawaii together with Mississippi senator Thad Cochran quietly met with Congressman Martin Romualdez and Congresswoman Imelda Marcos at Inouye’s suite at the Manila Peninsula last Monday. The Hawaii senator is one of the most powerful politicians in the US being the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations as well as president pro tempore of the US Senate (making him third in the line of presidential succession after the Vice President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives). Inouye was a soldier during World War II where he lost his right arm, and it came as no surprise why he staunchly supported the US Veterans equity bill which sought equal recognition for Filipino World War II veterans. The US senator had previously met with Congressman Martin Romualdez in Washington during a recent trip.

— Shalani Soledad turned 31 yesterday and she was expected at Malacañang to take her oath as Vice President of the Councilors League of the Philippines before President Noynoy Aquino. According to our Spy Bits sources, it would have been the first time the two would see each other after the much publicized break up.

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