Bamboo training seminar set

A three-day seminar organized by the MFI Farm Business Institute (MFI-FBI) will be held Nov. 26 to 28, the seminar will teach participants how to rehabilitate existing bamboo stands and how to establish a bamboo nursery.

The livelihood training workshop is a three-day, stay-in activity in the Farmers’ Training Center in Jala-Jala, Rizal with a registration fee of P5,000 that includes board and lodging costs. Reservations are open for 50 participants for this training workshop.

The event is the first in a five-program series on bamboo that MFI-FBI intends to offer, including a program on bamboo shoot harvesting and post-harvest processing.

For more information, contact Maret Legiralde at 631-2444, 632-0756 to 65 locals 523, 222, 111, and 202, or email

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