
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Michelle Rodriguez not chasing biological clock

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines – Michelle Rodriguez has always been one to keep her private life, well, private, but the actress was surprisingly candid about a lot of personal topics in her most recent interview.

The 36-year-old is featured in Interview magazine’s February issue, where she gave honest answers about relationships, kids and love during the interview conducted by Milla Jovovich.

“Look at me! I have absolutely nothing consistent in my life. But that’s where serendipity comes in and I love that,” the celeb admits. “One day I’m going to have to sacrifice that to bring life into the world. But the more I can hold off on that, the happier I’ll be. I’m a lone wolf. I run by myself on most things. I’ve got lots of really great friends, but the thought of being in a long-lasting relationship? Psh, I couldn’t last more than six months with somebody, let alone have a father figure around for a kid. I mean, if I could give a kid a father figure, that would be amazing.”

She continues, “I just want that unconditional love, the kind you get with a family member. You might get lucky enough to find that unconditional love in a friend or a lover, but it’s very rare. So if I ever have a kid, it’d be so that I could look in those eyes and know that this child is a piece of me and will love me the same way I love, but I think that’s selfish of me.”

And that’s why the “Fast & Furious” star explains that although she’d love to be a mom someday, that day isn’t any time soon.

“I cherish having kids, but don’t leave that to me. I’ll get a surrogate,” she says to Jovovich. “I do what I want, when I want, how I want, and because of that, it has taken me so long to grow into an adult. I wouldn’t want to sacrifice the last years that I have of being youthful in this business to have kids.”

“It’s been 15 years since I was the lead in my own feature, in ‘Girlfight.’ So I haven’t done what I came here to do. I’m just kind of fiddling around. I haven’t even been born yet. I’ve been part of really big things that are amazing, but I haven’t taken on that responsibility yet. So I don’t want to sell myself short by having a kid and then regret not doing what I set out to do.”

Rodriguez also admits that her lack in starring roles is partially due to her being picky.

“I hate and say no to everything. That’s my problem,” and also touches on the idea that the way she carries herself may have ultimately typecasted her. “Maybe I exclude myself from that genre by not getting dressed up often enough, by acting ghetto most of the time, and running around in sweats and Timberlands.”

It was 15 years ago now that Rodriguez got her start in Hollywood after snagging the lead role in “Girlfight”— an audition she almost didn’t even go to.

“I was like, ‘What do these people know? They’re not going to know what I’m capable of within 10 minutes of knowing me,’” she says, but something made her go, anyway, and her entire life changed after that.

“I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. I was up to no good with a friend of mine the night before. We were partying and free-styling on a rooftop, and I was, like, ‘Dude, I know that if I stay here, I’m definitely going to end up in jail.’ So I said to myself, ‘I’m going to go to this damn audition. Let me see. And boom. Here I am.”

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