To the laborers

I find Labor Day very amusing. It’s the one day in the year where we honor individuals who toil day and night in order to bring food to their table. They are the lifeline of the economy and the pulse of the nation. Without them, we aren’t able to bring in investors to the country. All the workers deserve a pat on the back.

What they also deserve, though, is to have a minimum wage equivalent or more. For the longest time, labor groups lobbied for an across-the-board wage increase. The process isn’t a walk in the park. They have to file their position paper, wait for it to be discussed by the tripartite wages and productivity board, and have the decision published before it gets implemented. By the time it’s done, inflation gets to them. The suffering continues again.

The companies are also not willing to share a portion of their income to the laborers. Since they are on top of the chain, their goal is to operate at the least minimum expense regardless of return. The less they can pay their workers, the more efficient their management structure is. It is a messed-up principle in the business world. The logic stays true: the rich become richer, the poor become poorer.

This is exactly why there are many who feel strongly against the amount they earn in comparison to the exerted effort. The concept of hazard or convenience pay isn’t even thought of by most employers. Laborers are forced to believe what they do is equivalent to a meager salary. If ever you meet a disgruntled employee on the street tomorrow, Labor Day, don't put that person down. Join in the fight for just labor practices and wage increase. We all need to know our worth and value.

I truly commend the labor sector for fighting for worker's rights. This doesn’t only deal with salary but even with benefits that they should be enjoying such as healthcare, leaves, and others. If nobody will champion workers’ rights, then this democracy isn’t effective at all. Our laborers should set the tone for working policies and not the other way around.

It is difficult to feed a family today as we encounter soaring prices of basic goods. While the Department of Labor and Employment continues their projects to uplift the unemployment rate, many still have no job or are in a job mismatch. It is my earnest wish that many other workers see past the rallies and struggles of labor groups. The mobilizations should be supported at all costs, as they are in favor of the workers. I wish to hug every mother, father, ate or kuya who is staying up at night to help the family. One day you will earn equal to every hour spent outside office hours.

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