
Colors have long been used to associate and classify things and objects, as well as activities, emotions, and even people. We utilize colors for simple identification and retrieval in a variety of ways, including for organization.

Our sense of sight is an important human faculty and a priceless gift from God, as it allows us to see varying degrees of hues, from extra light to extra dark, as well as the many combinations, we see the dynamics, and we can decipher, through visualization, which one lacks, is too much or just right.

However, during elections, when we elect our leaders, colors are utilized to associate a certain candidate or political party. After all, why not? Hues have always been associated with political parties, and we have been enthusiastic about, or at least cautious about, being associated with certain colors.

Colors may be a unifying force in rallying support for particular candidates at times. Apart from its traditional connotations of passion, love, and ferocity, red also connotes the former senator Bongbong Marcos Jr.'s political party. And we all know which political party the color yellow is associated with. The vice president, on the other hand, is connected with the color pink, and so on, with each color representing a different political party or candidate.

Even though others dislike black sometimes, we must evaluate its qualities in connection to other colors. Without black, no color has depth. When black is combined with everything, though, we get shadow, and not just shadow, but fullness as well. We must be willing to use black in our palette if we want to create something authentic. White, on the other hand, indicates tranquility, purity, and innocence, which is exactly what we need now for peace and harmony, despite the fact that it is not a color but a shade according to Physics. These and other colors, however, are distinct from one another. The world would be a lot more colorful if everyone looked for one-of-a-kindness.

What, on the other hand, is the political party's other connotation of color association? We can claim that color association is divisive at some point, dividing people and causing them to isolate themselves from others. Now that the intensity of campaign rallies has increased, a different color, such as yellow in a sea of red, might denote an outsider whose values differ from the others. For us, this is a major source of contention. The election, on the other hand, has always been controversial.

After all, neither black nor white exists in life. We witness and experience life in all of its facets, including pain, ecstasy, obstacles, ups and downs, and several plateaus. When we are sad, we need to be challenged or someone to cheer us up at some time. When we are awake and happy, we must be reminded that we have brothers and sisters who are suffering, and that we cannot simply stand by and do nothing. We have a sense of responsibility to be the light and hand to people who are forsaken in some way.

At the end of it all, we hope that, like on a canvas, the artist uses specific colors or a mixture of colors to create a magnificent work of art. However, it is via the combination of these hues that each of us may contribute to a beautiful whole. It is not the hue that matters, but how and what each color may give to the fulfillment of the entire, that matters.

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