Tsismosa brigade

In rural communities back then when life was so fundamental, verbal communication depended heavily on the information being conveyed. This might be a practical and readily available substitute for human transmission if communication channel services such as radio and television were not readily available. Far more on domestic experience, this way of transmission by individuals was a viable alternative.

While the same way of communication often has its drawbacks because people in the society are so familiar with each other, the kind of human relations are blurred because one can talk about the lives of others, or basically anything. And so this way can be a source of misunderstandings, and tensions among them.

Having a nurtured neighborly relationship will lead to trust between them and then whatever information is being communicated will depend heavily on it. They prefer to trust in the information that is conveyed by those they find to be a very large part of the group.

This is possibly the very nature of why this form of communication method was the reason for targeting certain people who are prone to indulge in gossip. While such a word has a bad connotation as it brings with it the notion of exaggeration and sometimes false information aimed at tarnishing another person’s credibility, a side of the coin that we cannot bear as we deal with people’s lives.

We don't need to express details with such an intention to malign or tarnish. The idea that these people have the time to engage with a successful endeavor is what we all need.

Contact tracing, thought to be one of the most powerful methods for preventing the virus spread, would require more contact tracers. Especially in a pandemic it is a severe and necessary health system, but should never be reduced to reliance on gossip. If this materializes and when it does, this group of people will be focused on the vital side of their task.

Gossip is simply a way to obtain knowledge about individuals, to strengthen social ties, and to participate in indirect aggression, it helps people learn how to survive in their cultural society. Gossip stories express laws in narrative form, for example by explaining how someone else came to grief by breaking social norms.

Gossip is therefore an extension of observer thinking, allowing one to learn from people's triumphs and misadventures beyond one's immediate perceptional domain. This viewpoint allows us to understand that gossip is not necessarily negative and often people gossip about strangers.

Today's society helps us to connect with accurate knowledge, credible sources and tools. Yet even what we find to be trustworthy often fails and so we need to be cautious and critical. This is on the good direction of focusing upon the special nature of human life that needs to be emphasized.

In our engagement with the culture, the spare time can be turned into constructive means and, above all, our sincere concern for others. And ideally this genuineness would reflect that gathering, analyzing, and transmitting information needs to be conducted with a strong sense of accuracy and integrity.

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