Philosophy of schools

The philosophy of education guides the teachers, administration, curriculum makers, and textbook authors to reflect on how should education shape the learner into a being who is qualified to be an active member of society. These people who are involved in the education of the learner must recognize that the school must be an agency for cultivating the learner's cultural life because this is very necessary for him/her to become affiliated with a certain society.

The philosophy of education then attempts to delve into the nature of the learner, the subjects to be taught and the methods to be used (their origins of purposes and the many consequences of these methods and the reliable basis for choosing these methods). The learner, the subject and the method must be examined so that each relates or connects to social dimensions.

Learning centers that usually offer education to very young (2 to 6 years old) children have been considered by some as educational fad. Almost everywhere, there is a learning center. It is a lucrative business nowadays anyway. I heard not once but many times parents conversing about how education is carried out in these centers.

Many of the parents expressed their resentment on having their children enrolled in learning centers. They had observed that these schools put so much emphasis on play or something else and not on reading and writing (the latter they considered very important).

There are also parents whose children are enrolled in science elementary or high schools who unfortunately complain about their children's many science projects (not parent's projects) that are causing them financial constraints and involved their children (again not the parents to be involved)  to so much work and pressure.

It's very sad that some parents failed to understand the methods these schools use to implement the education for their children. These parents who are considered partners of the school do not realize the importance these methods do in the process of education.

Before letting the parents enroll their children in a particular school, parents should be informed or be given copies about the schools mission-vision describing the philosophy of education it subscribes. These would clear out misunderstandings.

Each school has its mission and vision. What is more important, the school must be able to express and to act its philosophy of education which is consistent to the idea that the children are sent by the society, therefore, it should have recognized that it is the society with a sense of belongingness and have learned to live together with the other members of the society or community.

Wilfredo G. Anoos

Instructor on Sabbatical Leave

Blk. 1 Lot 10 Softouch Subdivision,

Upper Calajoan, Minglanilla, Cebu



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