Conscienticizing carefree Christmas celebrators

In the midst of ostentations and splurging, when Christians are celebrating in total abandon, all over the world, hundreds of millions are suffering in hunger, caught in wars and devastations, or dying of ebola and tuberculosis. In the Philippines, while the rich and the influential are busy with parties, giving gifts and sending packages, thousands, nay, millions are without sufficient, not to mention healthy foods, deprived of decent shelters and roaming the streets half-naked, begging, selling whatever can be sold, even their bodies and souls, just to have something for Christmas.

Just to have something for Christmas, street urchings extend their hands along busy streets and avenues. But you, the rich and the powerful are hesitant to give a few coins because you are told that these children are being used by syndicates. You have found a plausible  alibi and a perfect  justification for holding on to your loose change. You are also being reminded that the DSWD prohibits alm-giving because it is supposedly against the law. Since when has mercy and compassion been outlawed in this country ? Since when has giving food to the hungry been declared a crime in this jurisdiction?

Here in Cebu, why are government officials, including DSWD, unable to address the issues of too many homeless families sleeping in the sidewalks at night ? Why do people in government close their eyes to innocent children in vagrancy and even using prohibited substances right in front of police stations and barangay halls ? And why is it that while powerful politicians and big-time taipans give away expensive presents to higher-ups, and receive very luxurious gifts from suppliers and contractors, why is it illegal to give foods and money  to the street beggars ? Do we then follow the law of man and disregard the law of God, which is, as Pope Francis puts it, a law of mercy and compassion ?

There is too much vain and blatant pretensions in human society today. The government is uncompromising in pressuring small and medium-scale enterprises to comply with labor standards, cancelling even the licenses of job and labor contractors. But right in government offices, they hire Job Order workers, claiming shamelessly that these poor workers do not have an employer-employee relationship with the employer agencies. They give these poor people pittance for wages and absolutely zero benefits, no social security, no medical care, no living allowance, no thirteenth month pay. And they unabashedly claim they have no employer-employee relationship.

If there is somebody to conscienticize, it is no one else but the government officials themselves. and also the taipans. These tycoons and moguls who own giant malls, make a killing during the Yuletide, cause horrendous traffic and yet many of them cheat on their taxes and on their pay and benefits to their sales girls, making them perpetual casuals, and busting their unions with many unfair labor practices. Also, some church leaders who call the poor blessed but live a life of luxury in palaces, while the Pope himself opt to reside in a spartan apartment and take public transport.They should pray for enlightenment and realize the real meaning of Christmas.And, this Christmas, they should reflect on what really matters most in life.

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