
Cebu News

Amid Omicron threat, Cebu City to go: ‘Very strict,’ four times

Mary Ruth R. Malinao - The Freeman
Amid Omicron threat, Cebu City to go: �Very strict,� four times
On January 3, 2022, the Department of Health reported 4,084 additional COVID-19 cases nationwide, from just around 300 to 400 towards the end of 2021. The new cases brought the total active cases to 24,992.

CEBU, Philippines —  Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama said the city will go “very, very, very, very strict” when it comes to allowing entry of arriving passengers from areas under Alert Level 3 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the threat of the Omicron variant.

On January 3, 2022, the Department of Health reported 4,084 additional COVID-19 cases nationwide, from just around 300 to 400 towards the end of 2021. The new cases brought the total active cases to 24,992.

The Department of Interior and Local Government said there are now 14 confirmed Omicron cases in the country.

Malacañang announced on December 31, 2021 that Metro Manila will be under Alert Level 3 from January 3 to 15 because of an increase in COVID-19 cases and the Omicron threat.

Rama, in response to the latest developments, said he will issue an executive order regarding the concern, adding that possible restrictions will be implemented.

He said he fully agrees with imposing border control, especially containment measures against the variant, and addressing concerns relating to passenger arrivals.

“We just have to follow the scientific. When you talk about scientific, perhaps, kombinasyon na na because dili man gud guaranteed ang fully vaccinated. Matakdan man gihapon… Tingali ato sang tan-awon whether RT-PCR will be a requirement or whatever other requirements that may bring certain level of comfort for Cebu City,” Rama said.

Rama is also hoping that local chief executives will meet so that there will be a “one Cebu island approach” or a “united action.”

“We have to be very, very, very, very, strict... for Cebu City because we cannot also be telling very, very, very, very strict for Lapu-Lapu, and likewise for Mandaue and the whole island,” he said.

‘Whatever it takes’

Emergency Operations Center deputy chief implement City Councilor Joel Garganera agreed with imposing “very strict border control.”

“Whatever it takes to protect the Cebuanos,” Garganera said. “But then again, we must have a uniform protocol in order to make it effective, and that’s the task of the mayor to engage and coordinate with other LGUs.”

Cebu City has 13 active cases of COVID following the addition of four new cases recently. From a positivity rate of less than 1% towards the end of 2021, the new positivity rate is now playing at 2.67% (4 of 150 tested turned out positive).

Asked to expound further on the possible restrictions, Rama said: “We do not want to do it on a piecemeal (basis) but it will not definitely exclude going back to what we used to have during the Oplan Puyo.”

“It is more on brining Oplan Puyo again as our foundation and how do we mix it up that we do not want also to destroy abruptly the economy and then, at the same time, address the present challenges we have with Odette,” said Rama.

While the ports are still open, Rama urged residents to remain vigilant and follow strictly the minimum health protocols.

He also encouraged those who are yet to be vaccinated to register already and have themselves vaccinated as the city, he said, remains persistent on its vaccination program.

In addition to the possible restrictions to be implemented in the city, the mayor said City Hall’s Public Information Office will also do a “reorientation” through information, education, and communication campaigns. – Caecent N. Magsumbol, JMD (FREEMAN)

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