Diary of a Transferee Student

Dear Diary,

It has been two weeks since classes started in my new school. Most of my classmates are nice so I easily gained new friends.  My family transferred here in Cebu from Manila last summer. I speak Filipino and English.  Because I can’t speak Cebuano, I am very thankful to my seatmates for translating things for me.

I must say that things here are different from what I was used to. In my previous school we were given an hour for lunch, which we could take at home or in any other place. In the new school, we only have a thirty-minute break and we all should eat together inside the classroom. Our teacher eats with us, too. Interesting, right? Everyone was really surprised when Teacher Marie sat with us. I was so nervous at first because she was next to me, but she turned out to be really friendly.  Lunch has been so much fun with her.

Today was quite challenging for me.  We were called one by one to read a passage in front of the class. Teacher Marie said it was only for practice, but I saw her writing something down while each of us had our turn. I could read well, I just didn’t like doing it in front of my classmates. My hands were shaking and sweating, but my classmates clapped their hands when I finished. I felt so proud of myself.

In my previous school, everyone went their separate ways when classes finish. There wasn’t much interaction among pupils, which is not the case in the new school. I kinda like the way students group themselves according to home address after class. Even on my first day, I had four classmates walking home with me.

My teachers now are really approachable and kind. They smile when they talk to us. I think we learn faster when teachers don’t frown when we give wrong answers or make mistakes. Even if my new school is not as nice as my old school, I am excited to attend my classes every day.

I felt so worried about moving to another place and going to another school. I cried a lot about leaving my close friends behind. I thought I would be miserable here. I’m glad that I was wrong.

It has only been two weeks but I already feel like I belong. I am lucky to have really good classmates and teachers.


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