Regenerative healing

CEBU, Philippines – Michael Sanico, a 40-year-old service associate at a resort hotel in Mactan, has been experiencing pain with limitation of movement on his right side for two years. The condition causes a strain to his previously active lifestyle. He has had several medical consultations and been prescribed pain medications, but to no relief. He has since tried to limit his physical activities, which has resulted in a rather sedentary lifestyle. As a result, he has gained weight which adversely affects his knees.

On July 8 this year, he went for consultation at Regenestem Cebu, at the second floor of Block Eighty Eight, Okaridge Business Park along A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City, where he was diagnosed of a 'chronic right knee pain' brought about by the multiple ligament injuries that may have occured while he was still being very active at work and sports. He was offered cell-based therapy, a treatment modality that isolates a certain blood component taken from the his own blood. After the treatment of his right knee, Sanico claimed to have experienced immediate relief on the inner side of his right knee, which was tender to the touch during the pre-treatment physical examination.

His condition improved further as he came back the following week. The pain relief and improvement of his knees’ range of motion was so significant, he even ran up and down the stairs to test his regained mobility, although the healing was no complete yet. He was no longer limping, with still two more sessions of the cell-based therapy.

Regenestem Cebu specializes and has an expertise in the fields of Regenerative Medicine, Sports and Arthritis Medicine, Molecular Orthopedics, Cosmetic Surgery, Anti-Ageing and Dermatology. One of its many central advocacies is to introduce a highly effective, efficient, and modern treatment to arthritis in the Philippine.

Arthritis is known to be one of the most bothersome and painful diseases that afflict people of any age and gender. Regenestem Cebu offers high-tech facilities in the treatment and prevention of arthritis. The center boasts of a wide range of treatments that address varied orthopedic conditions and injuries.

The revolutionary, non-surgical, cell-based Arthritis Therapy offered by Regenestem Cebu allows patients to drastically control and manage debilitating joint pains, considered as one of the top ailments that most Filipinos suffer from, particularly among senior citizens. The treatment aids patients in achieving comfort and mobility via TriCell Growth Factor Therapy, Marrow Simulation Technique Therapy, Joint Plasma Jelly, Cellular Scaffold Based Therapy, and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy.

Regenestem Cebu also specializes in Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, including the use of the latest technology in Anti-Ageing Cell-based Therapy that naturally stimulates collagen production resulting to a firmer, suppler, and youthful skin. Other premium treatments offered are structural rhinoplasty; facelifts; chin, cheek, breast and butt augmentation; liposuction, medical facials and chemical peelings, botox and fillers, and many others.

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