Feng Shui of Septic Tanks!

Gross? Not in feng shui. Believe it or not: Septic tanks are equal to the household or family vault of wealth!

So, extreme care should be taken in its construction, more so positioning in one's home or business premises.

Here's a shortlist of dos and don'ts:


.Locate septic tank within the four walls of the house.

.Put septic tank at the center of a lot or house.

.Have septic tank at the kitchen or beside cooking areas.

.Use poorly designed septic tank with poor ventilation and sanitary engineering.

.Use modern exposed plastic septic tanks.

.Plant a big and wide root growing tree - example, balete or fichus - beside a septic tank.

.Locate septic tank beside water supply                cisterns, pipes or sources.

.Have septic tanks beside bedroom doors or windows.

.Share a common septic tank in an alley                 type of subdivision or neighborhood.

.Locate septic tank in frequently flooded spots.


.Ensure septic tank is well-engineered according to safety standards.

.Locate it safely even at the garage area                or driveway or front yard garden.

.Conduct regular septic tank maintenance.

Septic tank symbolizes a household or business treasury! As the adage goes: He who holds the gold rules; more so for one who takes good care of it.

Safety in wealth and health begins at home - right at your septic tank!

So to navigate your luck and prosperity according to the tides of life, do take good care of the feng shui of your septic tank!

Thank you for your positive attention on this golden matter. May you tank your way to happiness, health and prosperity!

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