A Double Win for Cebuano Arts

CEBU, Philippines - The awards that the Cebu City government recently gave to both the University of the Visayas Chorale and the Jose R. Gullas Halad Museum might have been a little overdue. The UV Chorale has been reaping awards and recognition in other places of the country and the world for many years already. The JRG Halad Museum has been honoring Cebuano musical legends for about an equally long time.

But the awards that the UV Chorale and Halad Museum were given are precious just the same. There is nothing quite like being recognized at home. Not that recognition is the primary motivation of Dodong Gullas and wife Nena in taking on these noble projects. But recognition from one's own community is no doubt an affirmation of the worth of one's endeavors, something to inspire them to keep at it or do even more.

True enough, Dodong Gullas has announced plans of further filling his Halad Museum with musical instruments of both historical and cultural values, not only from Cebu and the rest of the Visayas and Mindanao, but from Luzon as well. On the other hand, the University of the Visayas Chorale is to continue discovering new vocal talents, especially students from poor families whose only chance at formal education is by way of a scholarship grant as choir members.

Good undertakings like these need public support. A word of appreciation will do a lot in keeping the fire in the people behind the projects. Better if something concrete is done, as well - especially help in creating public awareness and comprehension of the value of these projects to the life of the community.

 The Mayor's Special Award for Culture and the Arts for the JRG Halad Museum and the Award for Outstanding Institution in Culture and the Arts for UV Chorale, respectively, were given on February 24, during the 77th Cebu City Charter Day testimonial dinner and awarding ceremonies at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel.

 The JRG Halad Museum is the only musically-themed museum in the country. It is a tribute to the Cebuano cultural heritage in the field of music, with musical treasures and memorabilia from local music greats. The museum is open to local and foreign visitors, including students and music aficionados who want to explore and experience the unique Cebuano musical legacy.

For its part, the UV Chorale, under Mrs. Nena Gullas, has several awards and recognitions to its credit. The group has been gaining critical notice at prestigious choir competitions, both here and abroad, where it often garners the top prize. The choir has also performed in several international gatherings, including the World Youth Day in Australia in 2008 and in the Canonization rites of San Pedro Calungsod in 2012 at the Vatican during the group's European performance tour.

 The two recent awards are already heart-warming for Dodong Gullas. But what may be most fulfilling yet is for him to see that his personal passion for Cebuano arts and culture has caught on in the hearts of his fellow Cebuanos. That, for sure, will be his biggest win. (FREEMAN)

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