The United Lucky Colors of Feng Shui

CEBU, Philippines - Color is a form of chi or life energy in feng shui.  Its use is as a science to create harmony of internal and external chi.  Also, it is a wellspring of color harmony in the arts as the way for any artist to create beauty for the eyes, body, heart and soul!

Use color to direct, stabilize and enhance your life energies in your surroundings, at home and at work.

Private use of feng shuied colors apply to each individual's fashion, cars, interior and exterior design for homes, office and business premises.  Public use mainly apply to corporate id programs, from color graphics of logos, stationeries, calling cards, signboards, office uniforms, identity program standards covering delivery vehicles, advertising both above and below the lines.  Traditional or guerrilla style!

Color can make or unmake the man or woman, even in a political campaign or in marketing.  The same for brand marketing in terms of consumer appeal of products or services.

Color harmony is the essence of feng shui.  Instead of the Western concept of complementary colors, the complementation is based on the productive relationship of the symbolic elements two or more correlated color combinations represent.  The basis of which is the Chinese Five Elements philosophy that the universe consists of the productive cycle of Wood or Green produces Fire or Red, which in turn produces Earth or Yellow, that produces Metal or White and which finally produces Water or Blue/Black.

You may combine green with red, red with yellow, yellow with white, white with blue or black to produce a powerful luck attracting harmonious color combination!  But always use the color of your feng shui element a feng shui expert is qualified to tell you.  And avoid your feng shui unlucky element colors!

Smart feng shui use of colors literally and physically puts you in your elements so to speak!  Attracting and alluring luck, love life and other positive things in life.

So when it comes to promoting good health as in chromatherapy or color healing arts, color is in the details, too!  Moreso in promoting good business ideas.

Generic lucky colors of the feng shui year on hand depends on the ruling element.  Thus now transitting into place is the Wood Horse year of 2014 to be followed by a Wood Sheep! Thus the lucky color for next two years is Green!  Green is also great for going abroad interviews for visa applications and moreso for job interviews.

But green is the best for prosperity, especially if it is your element color!

Going green,  you can naturally profit with honors!

Green luck, everyone! 

Next week:  National Feng Shui!  (FREEMAN)

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