Animam is face of women's basketball in the country — Aquino

Gilas women coach Pat Aquino (L) and Jack Animam Morales

MANILA, Philippines — Serbia-bound Jack Animam is the epitome of Filipina basketball, according to her long-time mentor and Gilas Pilipinas women's coach Pat Aquino.

Having the opportunity to play in Taiwan then train in the US after her undefeated collegiate run in the country, Aquino sees his ward as a source of inspiration for younger players, and a testament to what women basketball players in the Philippines can do.

"She's the face of [Philippine] women's basketball right now. She's our ambassador for the SBP, and you know, we're just proud of her of what she achieved already," said Aquino.

"Hopefully with her achievements, more women here [in the Philippines], more girls will follow her and achieve more," he said.

A six-time collegiate champion, Animam is set to fly to Serbia on Friday (US time) for her first try at the pros with Serbia's Radnicki Kragujevac which competes in the First Women's Basketball League.

The first homegrown Filipina basketball talent to play pro in Europe, Aquino hopes this groundbreaking achievement opens more doors for players like Animam.

"[Jack's] just part [of it] and hopefully, there's more to come," said Aquino.

"I know that Filipina ballers can play ball and from what we have done in the NU program, and the Gilas program, I think more success to come for us," he added.

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