Metrostars ward off rallying Amigos

Reigning National Champion Manila held its ground at the height of a spirited Cagayan de Oro comeback to pull off a scary 104-94 victory in yesterday's lone MBA-FedEx Crossover Cup match at the Mail & More San Andres Sports Complex.

Fresh from capturing the SEABA cage title in Malaysia, the Metrostars turned to 1999 MVP Alex Compton and ace slotman Romel Adducul all game long as the Manila five booked win No. 7 against four losses.

Compton, in particular, was highly explosive, shattering his own record by draining eight three pointers, including two big ones late in the fourth quarter to stall the uprising of the Amigos, who saw their short-lived winning run snapped for a 4-8 win-loss mark.

The Manila playmaker's feat from triple range shattered the previous record he shared with the Negros Slashers' Romy dela Rosa. Compton coincidentally set the previous record on Sept. 5 last year against Cagayan de Oro.

Compton went on to topscore for Manila with 26, followed by Adducul who had 22. Norman Gonzales paced the Amigos with 26 and 16 rebounds. Richie Ticzon added 19.

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