Maltreated OFW flees from Kuwait

BACOLOD CITY, Philippines  — An overseas Filipino worker (OFW) from Negros Occidental has escaped from her abusive employers in Kuwait, and was repatriated through the help of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) and the provincial government.

Rachel Guzon, 25, of Brgy. Minoyan in Murcia town claimed she was able to escape from her employers, after two years of physical and sexual abuses.

Guzon also claimed that more than 500 OFWs have also escaped from their abusive employers in Kuwait and sought refuge at the OWWA, but most of them, many of whom are also from Negros Occidental, are still stranded at the OWWA Center. She said she escaped with another OFW from Tacloban City, and a co-worker from Sri Lanka.

Guzon said she worked as a househelp in Kuwait since July 2010, and was promised a monthly salary equivalent to P9,000.

In the last six months before she fled, however, she was made to work without pay. Her female employer also berated her every time she made a mistake, slapped her on the face, and kicked her, she said.

Guzon also narrated that the son of her employer attempted to sexually abuse her several times. The son made her hold his private parts while inside his room, and her employer also hurt her upon learning of his son’s sexual advances. She initially took all the abuses in silence, afraid to lose her job, saying that her poor family back home was counting on her financial support, she said. Later on, she mustered enough courage to flee after learning that two of her fellow househelps were similarly planning such.

One morning after their male employer left for work and while the wife was still asleep, Guzon said the three of them hailed a taxi going to the Philippine Embassy. With the help of Governor Alfredo Marañon Jr., through the Public Affairs Division, Guzon was finally reunited with her family last May 9.  (FREEMAN)

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