Encouragement is contagious

In the King James text of the Bible, encourage or encouragement appears three times – twice when men were told to encourage Joshua, who had been responsible for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.

The third time it is mentioned as King David, who had commissioned Joab to see that Uriah, the Hittite, met his death, strives to encourage Joab – in a rather perverse sort of way.

Uriah happened to be married to the beautiful Bathsheba, and David wanted him out of the picture so that he could take her as his wife, legitimizing his adultery with her.

When Joab’s conscience bothered him because of the part he had played in Uriah’s death, David sent men to encourage him with some rather feeble words or rationalization (see 2 Samuel 11:25).

If you want to encourage someone, try the following:

Let someone know you sincerely believe in him or her. Sometimes a touch, a pat on the back, a firm handshake, a few simple words like, “I know you have what it takes – hang in there; I’m with you” can make the difference. Somebody has to believe the dream before it ever becomes a reality.

Make yourself available. The greatest ability is availability. When someone shows up and says, “I want to help; what can I do?” that’s a real form of encouragement.

Let your encouragement be visible and expressed. Look at the person who needs encouragement in the eye, write, shout it; just communicate it!

In focusing on encouragement you may well find that you become a channel of blessing as God reaches down and speaks through you to encourage others.

Start today and see what a difference encouragement makes.

In encouraging another person, you will discover that you too are encouraged. That’s how encouragement works.

Used with permission from Guidelines International Ministries. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, send an e-mail to info@guidelines.org. You may also visit www.guidelines.org.

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