From discouragement to depression

Tim Lahaye, in his book How to Win over Depression, describes three phases of depression as discouragement, despondency and despair.

Discouragement is the mildest form of depression, and in this stage, there are things that an individual can do to help himself – get outdoors, change his schedule, do some exercise, even go out for dinner. God knows it is no sin to get discouraged. Even spiritual giants, on occasion, get discouraged, but if your discouragement is not confronted, it may quickly turn into a downhill slide, bringing you to the second phase, despondency. Despondency is when the sky becomes clouded and you spend your time wondering if you will get back on top of things.

If your despondency turns into despair, it may be because you, like Jonah, are running from God. Knock on His door and get things squared away quickly. But if you know your heart and you are at peace with Him and your world, you might need to talk with your doctor and he or she might need to evaluate you.

When depression knocks at your door, you have to remember that you are among some of God’s choicest servants who were also depressed. Join the ranks of men like Elijah in the Old Testament and no less than the apostle Paul in the New, who met both discouragement and depression on the field of battle and found an answer. They did and so can you.

Yes, there is a solution to depression, whether it is in the form of discouragement, despondency or despair. Take refuge in the Almighty and stay close to Him.



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