Thoughts to guide us by (For March 2015)

Studies  show  that  a  depressed, negative mind  can possibly raise infection  ten-fold. An upbeat, optimistic mind possesses a mystic  force that can burn  out  infection.  A brimming- with-positivism attitude  can immensely boost and  promote good health.

Adopt a child-like faith to call upon God and  burden Him with your burdens — when weighed down and cut off at times.  Yes! There are rocky-rugged-steep mountains to climb in our pilgrimage, but with Him with us – He can lift us up to where  clear winds blow, where eagles fly …  and be the best that we  can be! 

A strong   positive  outlook,  an  attitude  replete  with confidence have a  mystical  power over sickness.  A person’s physiological frame and state of mind  cast a direct tremendous  impact on one’s state of mind. One’s attitude mirrors one’s state  of mind!

Just  hang on when the going gets rough and tough, like a wheel,  life  goes  up  and  down.  Nothing  stays  forever.   Work harder, pray harder, help others more.  Life will surely be kinder.  You reap what you give to life.  A  happy heart and positive mind  do wonders to our well-being!

Peace and abundance to us all!

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