It’s all about alignment

When the sun, moon and earth are aligned, a solar eclipse occurs. The whole idea of alignments is very interesting to me as life to a certain extent can be all about this.

When we meet people and our thought patterns are aligned, we see positive results and having the same goals is key to getting the job done.

Lunar eclipses always occur at the same time as a full moon. A full moon is a time for harvest – reaping what we sow and throwing away what is not beneficial in our lives. It is a time to nurture what we have and making better things grow out of even the painful moments in our lives.

Seeking alignments in our everyday life therefore enables us to progress. It’s all about transforming into the best versions of ourselves.

Whether it be in the workplace or in our personal lives, learning to align to a solid purpose helps us to realize the things that no longer serve us and move forward to something better.

Dream big as they say but dreaming big entails a lot of introspection. While we envision ourselves in a certain way, we must also undergo the process that will help us get to our goals.

Perhaps the whole idea of a solar eclipse strikes me more spiritually rather than scientifically, but nevertheless and either way, both sides speak of alignments that bring about something new.

For those who have had a bad year, or have gone through some unpleasant experiences, the spiritual significance  of a solar eclipse can be taken as a sign to look forward to the best that is yet to come.

While we remove all hindrances and let go of bad experiences in our lives, we are making room for better days and encountering better people as we go along the way.

Just as a new moon emerges as it moves between the sun and the earth, we must take advantage and keep our eyes open for the opportunities that are coming our way.

Our past experiences may have hurt us, but surely in the midst of it all, there could have been that one person or unexpected encounter that pulled us out of a rot and aligned with what we never expected as the best that is yet to be.

It’s full speed ahead. There is a whole lot to look forward to.

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