Zero tolerance for bullies

When a video of a school boy bullying his classmate went viral on Facebook, netizens could not help but react to what most of us can describe as humiliating and aggravating.

For years, especially in the beginning of my teaching career, bullying was routine. I faced it everyday in and out of the classroom and yes, sometimes, even in the faculty room.

As parents we struggle with teaching our children balance – to assert when they must but to always be kind and considerate at the same time.

As a teacher, you put that same theory of balance to practice with students from all walks of life. This for me is where the challenge is.

While we hone our own children with the proper values (at most this is the goal in mind), the outside world is a jungle of differences in value systems and sadly sometimes, we are faced with those who simply do not have any. I’ve come across so many issues on bullying even with my own children and truly, this perceived notion of having power over others through hostile behavior is not only painful but damaging.

It takes a whole lot of courage for bullied people, most especially children, to go about their day knowing that as soon as they get to school, they will start and end each and every school day facing a bully.

Bullying is not just about name calling or laughing behind someone else’s back. It is to a deep extent, undermining someone’s person – their very dignity. People who bully use their power to control and harm others repeatedly.

Imagine going through this constantly and perhaps, the best day ever was when your bully was sick and had to stay home.

I have experienced bullying myself but the most important lesson I learned from my own experiences was to pursue the good and to use my influence to help others.

Breaking the cycle of bullying comes from that one person who sees through you and tells you to never give up. It takes just one person to feel your pain with you and help you conquer a “beast,” not through retaliation but through bettering yourself.

It is here where sooner or later, you gain the confidence you need to overcome your daily dreadful experiences until one day, you realize who you are is so much bigger than the bully who tried to make you feel small.

Some of the most talented people we know have also been at one point in their lives bullied for being too fat, or too thin, or worse yet, too poor to become great.

But life has this funny way of teaching us that the world is round and most of the time, it is the very same people who have gone through such horrible experiences that are determined to lift others up. Strength comes with empathy.

In order for one to be truly described as strong, he or she will exude a genuine sense of influence meant to uplift lives.

Every bully has his day of reckoning whether he likes it or not, but the most lasting memory you will have despite a painful experience is that one person who picked you up and launched you.

This is where zero tolerance begins. It only takes one person to stand up for you to make a difference.

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