Treasure hunters’ diggings alarm Ecija folk

CUYAPO, Nueva Ecija — Residents of this town have expressed apprehension over the health hazards posed by the unabated diggings of suspected treasure hunters in a barangay here.

The diggings in Barangay Landing, about a kilometer away from the town proper, reportedly started in 2002, according to an earlier investigation by provincial officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

gathered that the diggings in two sites have reached more than 130 feet or about 39 meters. Each hole has a diameter of four meters.

The residents, through their barangay council, said the diggings were reportedly going sideward at the bottom in the direction of the adjacent Catholic cemetery, the barangay road, and residential areas.

Based on documents provided by barangay secretary Novelina Galinato, the diggings were being done in a lot owned by a certain Rodrigo Corpuz. It was not immediately known if Corpuz is related to Mayor Grace Corpuz.

The treasure hunt is reportedly being financed by an official of an irrigation system in Pangasinan.

Last August, Anselmo Abungan, Region 3 director of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, directed Norberto Mercado, leader of the treasure hunters, to stop the diggings.

Because of the excavations, residents have complained about inadequate supply of water from their pumps.

They also fear that cave-ins may occur in residential areas as well as accidents, especially involving children who may stray into the excavations.

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