DOH bans one more peanut butter product

MANILA, Philippines - Health Secretary Francisco Duque III ordered yesterday the recall of another peanut butter product after it was found contaminated with salmonella bacteria by the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD).

Duque identified the product as Ludy’s Sweet and Creamy Peanut Butter, manufactured by Samuya Food Manufacturing Inc., the company that produces Yummy Sweet and Creamy Peanut Spread, which was also banned last week by BFAD for salmonella contamination.

Yesterday, Duque suspended Samuya's license to operate as a food manufacturer until BFAD certifies that the firm meets “good manufacturing practices.”

Myrna Carsolim, administrative assistant and legal affairs officer of Samuya, said they have been importing raw peanuts from India and China.

According to Gutierrez, the company has until March 27 to explain the contamination and submit a report on the actions it took to address the issue.

Asked if there is a need to ban the importation of peanuts from India and China, Gutierrez said salmonella contamination “could be a question of sanitation and hygiene.”   – Sheila Crisostomo

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