Metro crime rate down 40 percent

The crime rate in Metro Manila went down by 40 percent during the first five months of the year, police officials announced yesterday.

National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Ricardo de Leon attributed the significant drop in crime incidents in the metropolis to the unrelenting campaign waged by the Metro police force against all forms of criminality.

De Leon cited continuing NCRPO programs like the "Kuya Ko ‘To" and other projects aimed at bringing back the trust and confidence of the citizenry to their police.

"Our sustained campaign against street crimes, backed by our programs to bring back the trust and confidence of the people to the police, have been so effective that crime incidents have greatly been reduced," the Metro police chief said.

NCRPO statistics showed that a total of 1,958 street crimes occurred in Metro Manila from Jan. 1 to May 31 this year compared to the 4,504 recorded in the same period last year.

Only "tutok-kalawit" robberies and mugging incidents registered increases.

But cell phone, jewelry and other snatching incidents were reduced from 603 incidents last year to this year.

The NCRPO said other cases like "ipit-kotse," "ipit taxi, "bukas-kotse," "laglag barya," "salisi," pickpocketing, and car parts theft registered downward trends.

Not a single gang or frat war was recorded this year compared to a high of 322 and 23 cases last year, respectively.

The crime solution efficiency this year was also at a high with only 44 cases remaining unsolved, compared to 167 cases in 2003.

To maintain the decrease in crime incidents, De Leon has deployed additional mobile and foot patrols in the vicinity of the University Belt and other schools in Metro Manila. A rise in street crime cases is expected during the opening of classes next week.

He reminded policemen assigned to conduct walk-the-beat patrols, especially near schools, to remain vigilant and courteous so that police presence will be felt by the people.

The NCRPO chief commended the five police district directors and the 37 station commanders for a job well done.

But he said there is no reason for them to rejoice over their accomplishments as he warned the police officials of "a bigger job in the weeks to come."

De Leon reiterated his call for the citizenry to cooperate fully with the NCRPO’s drive not only against criminality, but also against terrorism.

He urged the public to report suspicious-looking men and packages in their neighborhood to the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s Police Assistance Hotline Patrol 117 or DILG Text 117.

"All of us, the police and the public, must work together for a more effective and sustained campaign against all crimes and terrorism as we try win back the streets from criminals and keep our families safe," De Leon said.

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